Thresholds Mike 41

Mike Has Found His Way at Thresholds and Is Happy

Kathy and her husband Mark have good reason to be relieved over the transformation of their son, Mike. When he moved into a Thresholds home many years ago, Mike was unhappy, quick-tempered and struggled to get along with others. He did lots of things that made his family unable to trust him and life at home was difficult.

These days, Mike is a gregarious, confident man who loves being helpful, enjoys sports and gardening and has friends everywhere. He even got himself a parking job at the Whitecaps stadium!

Mike has gained the trust of staff and his housemates and now takes people and situations in stride. He’s even earned the nickname “Junior Assistant Mike” because he’s so helpful. Mike rebuilt his relationship with his family, especially with his sister, and he calls them every day just to stay close.

Josh, the manager of Mike’s Thresholds home, can’t say enough good things about how Mike has grown and changed. He has responded remarkably to Thresholds’ professional and consistent care. Mike has become his best self. We think Mike summed it up best: Thresholds is “helping me be a better person.“

Thresholds is a family affair.

Kathy is mom to Mike and Amy is Mike’s sister.